As a young artist who has made the mistake of never documentaing anything, I was glad that all my professors decided to mandate having process blogs for class.

Except, of course, I had to go and overcomplicate things.

screenshot of a tweet that reads: 'my professors: make a blog. it's simple, shouldn't take too long. Me: I will spend three days learning two new blog frameworks that don't work.'

I didn't want to make a Wordpress blog, because I don't know anything about Wordpress.

I didn't want to use Medium, because I think it's too messy to manage three different blogs on a single site.

So I opted to go for a Jekyll blog hosted on GitHub pages. After all, I've done it before, so it should be simple.

Except, in the world of programming, nothing is ever straightforward!

Naturally, I spent three days debugging, and ended up learning two different blog frameworks. Why? Probably the sunk cost fallacy.

I hope this doesn't foreshadow how the entire class will go. :)

Conclusion: yay, it works!