Hello and welcome to another episode of "why doesn't my shit work?!"

Today, we have the Modulated Frequency circuit, found on page 146 of Handmade Electronic Music, 3rd edition

A schematic that shows a modulated frequency ciruit.

It's beautiful, and it has clear instructions!

Where did I go wrong

I had to go out and buy the right capacitors (thank you to today's sponsors The Micro Center), but I didn't pick up the right potentiometers.

The recipe calls for three 100 kOhm pots. I substituted two 10 kOhm pots and a 1M Ohm, hoping it would taste the same.

But, alas, nothing happened!

My disgusting circuit that doesn't work.

It may have also been the speaker that didn't work - maybe it needs more power than a 3V coin cell battery can give.

I'm going to find the right pots and see if the circuit works.

Will I ever get a ciruit to work at home? Stay tuned...