As usual, everything went perfectly well and I never had a single problem. /s

Just kidding, soldering hurts!

Updated Diagrams

I updated the diagrams to include a FSR and a switch:

Image of circuit generated using Fritzing. Image of circuit as a schematic.


I put everything on the breadboard and (after fixing the switch), it made sound! 🎉🎉🎉

Picture of a breadboard with components on it. Picture of a breadboard with components on it, but this time you can see the switches.


The electronics could tell I was getting confident, so they fixed that by not working when I soldered the components.

A proto board with components soldered onto it.

Mistakes and next steps

After crying and reflecting, I thought about the mistakes I made:

  • I didn't test each connection as I was going, so now I can't tell where I made the mistake.
  • I didn't actually have the right chip - but the chip is still usable because pins 1 and 2 are similar to the correct chip.

I'll try again to get this working this week. Thankfully, I bought two of everything!